Some of our Partners:
Taking approximately 24 with up to 6 months to complete the EPA, the Operations Manager Apprenticeship (Level 5) is equivalent to a Foundation Degree or HND. This programme is an ideal career progression route into leadership and management. Typical job roles associated with the programme include Operations Manager, Regional Manager, Divisional Manager, Departmental Manager and Specialist Manager.
Before beginning this higher apprenticeship, you must have achieved Level 2 qualifications in maths and English. (GCSE’s A-C or equivalent, such as Functional Skills.)
Operations Manager Apprenticeship Features
Throughout the apprenticeship you’ll gain the skills, knowledge and behaviours needed for your chosen role and industry. To help you with this, you can expect to study the following subject areas:
- Organisational Performance
- Managing People and Developing Relationships
- Personal Effectiveness

Off-the-Job Training
For 20% of your apprenticeship, you must have time away from your regular duties. This is to engage in training related to your post and programme. Known as ‘Off-the-Job Training’, this should take place at a time convenient for both you and your employer.
The qualification is delivered through a blended learning approach. You will be required to make time to see your tutor via remote or face-to-face sessions.
The sessions will take place roughly once per month, usually lasting around 2 hours. The duration of these can be extended for any additional learning or support you require. Your tutor will also provide support and guidance in between each learning session.
You should also expect to carry out self-study and learning as part of the Off-the-Job Training using your iLearner portfolio.

The End-Point Assessment
As part of your Operations Manager Apprenticeship, an End-Point Assessment (EPA) will be completed to demonstrate your development and growth. You can achieve either a Pass, Merit or Distinction based on your final grade.
Professional Discussion
After completing your portfolio, you will complete a professional discussion with one of our independent assessors. You will be required to showcase any additional learning you have completed during the apprenticeship.
This additional learning can be both formal or informal learning completed or any assignments and projects you have completed.
Project Report and Presentation
Through the duration of your programme you will organise and document a project of your choosing, to show your knowledge and skills, in a practical way.
At the end of your project you will demonstrate what you’ve accomplished through a presentation, detailing the initial intentions of your project and what was achieved through this.
Go Further
Once you’ve completed your Operations Manager Apprenticeship, there are several progression routes available, dependant on your industry and job role:
You can also register as full members with the Chartered Management Institute and/or the Institute of Leadership and Management. Those with 3 years of management experience can also apply for Chartered Manager status through the CMI.
Contact us for further information!
Call us on 01246 278931, email or fill in the contact form below to check availability and for further advice about the next steps.
Our team will be happy to advise you on additional programmes we provide and can help point you in the right direction for any learning requirement not delivered by Apprentice Team Ltd.